DOT Programs
WorkCare offers a wide range of DOT services for companies with CDL positions. These services include but are not limited to:
- Random Consortium
- Clearinghouse TPA
- Consultation for Clearinghouse set up and education on law
- DOT policy & forms toolkit
- SAP Compliance info and direction for violations
- Reasonable Suspicion Training
- Driver file training/tool kits
- Equipment & Maintenance file training/tool kits
- Audit prep
*****Bundled pricing available contact amy@workcareresources.com
DOT Physicals
Our staff are trained to provide your employees with the best quality DOT physical services. We know how important it is to you and your employees that only qualified drivers are allowed to perform safety sensitive functions. Your employee’s safety is our top priority. Minimal waiting for physicals. Our goal is to have healthy drivers back on the road within 40-45 minutes.
DOT Drug Screens
All of our employees are trained on rules and regulations for collection procedures according to 49 CFR 40 and Department of Workplace Testing Programs. We are currently members of The National Drug and Alcohol Screening Association (NDASA). Drug screen services are mobile. No waiting for drug screens. No appointment necessary.
DOT Evidential Breath Testing (EBT)
All staff that operate the EBT machines are Certified Breath Alcohol Technicians. Our Quality Assurance Program is the highest in quality and integrity. EBT services are also mobile.
Entry Audit Prep
We’ve found that so many companies aren’t aware of the required driver file and equipment maintenance requirements. These hit on audits every single time. Let us help you be prepared before an auditor comes knocking on your door.
FMCSA Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse
WorkCare offers Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse TPA services. We also provide Clearinghouse training and account set up for companies, owner operators and drivers. Clearinghouse TPA services includes but are not limited to: processing queries, reporting drug and alcohol violations, reporting RTW testing and assisting with SAP processes and tracking of follow up programs. We provided bundled fees for companies participating in both Consortium and Clearinghouse programs.
Random Selection
We can provide your company with a random screening program that complies with all of the definitions of random program according to federal regulation. Our random software package can select the employees, print personalized employee notification to report for testing, and track your statistics on drug and alcohol testing.
Reasonable Suspicion & Employee Training
We can train your supervisors to recognize the effect of drugs and alcohol on employees. Our reasonable suspicion course complies with all federal regulations for certification of your supervisors. Employee training is also provided.
Substance Abuse Professional (SAP) Program
WorkCare Resources, Inc. can help you with SAP contacts so that your employees can receive the best quality service and care for their substance abuse program.