Employer Needs

WorkCare Resources offers 24-hour service 7 days a week, 365 days a year, within our service area of Jackson and Dyersburg TN.

Third-party Administrator: WorkCare can assist you as a third party administrator setting up compatible occupational healthcare anywhere in the U.S.  This provides your company with ONE TPA handling all bills, results, and questions that may arise within the services being provided to your employee.

Below is a list of Services (NOT ALL INCLUSIVE)

For questions Contact Us

24-Hour Injury Assessments
Accident Management
Audiometric Testing
Background Checks
Breath Alcohol Testing
CPR Certifications
Contract Nursing Services
DOT Programs
Drug & Alcohol Testing
Employer Needs
On-Site Services
OSHA Testing
Pre-Hire Screening
Pulmonary Function
Respirator Fit
TN Drug-Free WorkPlace
Walk-in Primary Care